Exhibitor Promo Kit

Here are some tools to help you promote your booth at Landscape Ontario Congress

Logos & Branding

We encourage exhibitors to incorporate the LO Congress and Landscape Ontario logos into their branding for the show. Using these logos helps strengthen your presence and connection to the event.

Below, you'll find official LO Congress and Landscape Ontario logos for download. These can be used in your promotional materials to align your brand with the show.

To download an image, right-click on it and select 'Open in a new tab'. In the new tab, right-click again and select 'Save Image As'. You can edit the image using standard photo editing software or free tools like Canva.

When posting about Congress on social media, be sure to use the hashtag #LOCongress2026 and tag @LOCongress on Facebook, LinkedIn and @LOCongress1973 on Instagram and X (Twitter).

Check back as we get closer to exhibiting for 2026 for additional social media branding materials!

Congress Logos

Use for Light Background .png

Use for Light Background .png

Use for Dark Background .png

Use for Dark Background .png

Landscape Ontario Logos

Use for Light Background .png

Use for Light Background .png

Use for Dark Background .png

Use for Dark Background .png